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Home / Catálogo de especies / New Zealand whip-tail

New Zealand whip-tail

Order Gadiformes
Family Merlucciidae

Marine fish with regularly ossified skeleton. Long, oblique mouth with two rows of teeth in the upper jaw and teeth similar to canines in the anterior part of the premaxillars. It has 2 dorsal fins, the first of small size; the second of great size that reaches the caudal fin and links with the anal fin, also of great size. It has a pectoral and a ventral fin as well. Blue color, darker in the dorsal region and lighter in the lateral and ventral regions. It can measure up to 1.30 m and weigh up to 1.5 kg.

FAO code
Macruronus novaezelandiae
White fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 57: the Eastern part of the Indian Ocean
  • Area 81: the Southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
Fishing seasons
jun jul aug sep
International denominations
Germany Neuseeländischer Grenadier
France Hoki de Nouvelle-Zélande
Italy Merluzzo granatiere
Portugal Granadeiro azul
United Kingdom New Zealand whip-tail
Japan Hoki
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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