Marina Santurtún

Sustainable Fisheries and Oceans Market Director AZTI

Market Manager for Sustainable Fisheries and Oceans at AZTI-BRTA (Basque Country). Her main working discipline is: Management and assessment of demersal species in mixed fisheries and the dynamics of the fleets that exploit them, including discards.

Master’s in science in “Tropical Marine Ecology and Fisheries Biology” at James Cook University (Townsville, Australia).

She has been  responsible in AZTI for European projects within her area of work:  in ICES and STECF/CCTE groups, in relation to fisheries assessment and management and discards; from 1999 to 2012 she coordinated internationally the northern megrim; (2011-2015) she chaired the ICES cephalopod working group; European coordinator of the AFRAME project, for the management of mixed fisheries; and she has led different EP and EC studies.

Internationally, she has worked on advisory and consultancy projects for the development of sustainable fisheries in Saudi Arabia, both in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. She has also carried out advisory work on maritime-fisheries issues in Africa (Senegal and Ghana). In May 2022, she was a panellist at the 15th round of informal consultations on the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UN, New York).