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White-mouth croaker

Order Perciformes
Family Sciaenidae

Marine fish with regularly ossified skeleton. Fusiform body, compressed but slightly depressed at the level of the pectoral fins. It is covered with large and strong scales. Big head. Small mouth with a slight prominence of the upper jaw. Sawn preopercle. Dorsal fin split into two parts. Flow truncated. Anal small fin, preceded by two spines, of which the first is well developed. Dorso and flanks golden yellow with darker oblique striae, white belly. Fins golden yellow, lighter pectoral and ventral than the others. Maximum length 63 cm.

FAO code
Micropogonias furnieri
White fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 31: the Western part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 41: the Southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean
Fishing seasons
feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
Germany Weissmaul-Umberfisch
France Tambour rayé
Italy Ombrina
Portugal Rabeta marisqueira
United Kingdom White-mouth croaker
Japan Semaru-nibe
Fishing areas
Fishing arts
Purse seines

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