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Home / Catálogo de especies / Vitamin shark

Vitamin shark

Order Carcharhiniformes
Family Triakidae

Marine fish with cartilaginous skeleton. Slender body, with a very pointed snout. Normal head, oval eyes, with a nictitating membrane at the anterior angle. Torn back nostrils. Triangular, sharp and pointed teeth. Large caudal fin. Color: blue-grayish or brownish, lighter belly. It is very voracius.

FAO code
Galeorhinus galeus
Blue fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 41: the Southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 47: the Southeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 51: the Western part of the Indian Ocean
  • Area 57: the Eastern part of the Indian Ocean
  • Area 61: the Northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 67: the Northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 71: the Western Central part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 77: the Eastern Central part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 81: the Southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 87: the Southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean
Fishing seasons
feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
Germany Hundshai
France Saumonette (pelé)
Italy Canesca
Portugal Perna de moça
United Kingdom Vitamin shark
Japan Hoshizame
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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