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Senegalese tonguesole

Order Pleuronectiformes
Family Cynoglossidae

Flat bony fish of almost regular oval body and very compressed, with small head rounded. Two small eyes that, being a demersal fish, live and feed on or near the bottom, are located in the same side of the body, denominated ocular, that corresponds with the pigmented back of the fish. Small mouth, with few rudimentary teeth. The dorsal and anal fins converge with the caudal fin. Eye color between brown and olive gray, often mottled with dark spots. Face ventral or blind face whitish. It can measure up to 66 cm.

FAO code
Cynoglossus senegalensis
White fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 1: Africa - Inland waters
  • Area 34: the Eastern Central part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 47: the Southeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
Fishing seasons
feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
China 塞内加尔舌鳎
Italy Lingua atlantica
Portugal Língua de cão
United Kingdom Senegalese tonguesole
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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