Species catalogue


Order Octopoda
Family Octopodidae

Marine cephalopod mollusc whose body has no shell, has 8 arms or tentacles, each of them has 2 rows of suckers, and is very similar to the octopus common (Octopus vulgaris). The only and very notable external difference is that this octopus possesses under each eye a dark, round, like a huge mole called ocellus and that has earned it the common name of four eyes. Colour: red. Total maximum length 130 cm.

FAO code
Octopus maya
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 31: the Western part of the Atlantic Ocean
Fishing seasons
jan feb apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
Germany Octopus
China 墨西哥蛸
France Poulpe mexicain
Italy Polpo messicano
Portugal Polvo
United Kingdom Octopus
Fishing areas
Fishing arts
Pots and traps

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