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Home / Catálogo de especies / Malabar grouper

Malabar grouper

Order Perciformes
Family Serranidae

Fish with a robust and fusiform body, featuring a large head and strong jaws equipped with sharp teeth. Its eyes are relatively small compared to the size of its head. It has a single, well-developed dorsal fin, as well as prominent pectoral and pelvic fins. Its colour varies, but it is generally in shades of brown or grey, with dark spots or bands along its body. It can reach sizes of up to 150 centimetres in length. This fish inhabits coastal waters and coral reefs, where it primarily feeds on fish and crustaceans.

FAO code
Epinephelus malabaricus
White fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 37: Mediterranean and Black Sea
  • Area 4: Asia - Inland waters
  • Área 47: Atlantic
  • Área 51: Indian Ocean
  • Área 57: Indian Ocean
  • Área 61: Pacific
  • Área 71: Pacific
  • Área 77: Pacific
  • Eastern Central.
  • Eastern.
  • Northwest.
  • Southeast
  • Western
  • Western Central.
International denominations
Germany Zackenbarsch
France Mérou malabar
Italy Cernia indopacifica
Portugal Garoupa
United Kingdom Malabar grouper
Fishing areas
Fishing arts
Pots and traps

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