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Lucine clam

Order Venerida
Family Mactridae

Its body presents an oval and dorsoventrally flattened shape, with two valves covering its dorsal and ventral parts, joined by a dorsal hinge. The valves are composed of calcium carbonate and feature an asymmetrical outline and concentric growth marks. Near the hinge, at the anterior part, are the siphons, which are tubes allowing the entry and exit of water for feeding and respiration. The outer surface of the valves can vary in coloration and texture, ranging from white to brown and displaying patterns of striae or radial lines. On the ventral edge of each valve are the cardinal and lateral teeth, ensuring the tight closure of the valves. The adductor muscles, located inside the valves, enable the shell to open and close. These morphological characteristics are significant adaptations for feeding, locomotion, and protection in its aquatic habitat.

FAO code
Spisula subtruncata
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Área 27: Atlantic
  • Area 37: Mediterranean and Black Sea
  • Área34: Atlantic
  • Eastern Central.
  • Northeast.
International denominations
Germany Dickschalige Trogmuschel
France Spisule
Italy Spisola
Portugal Amêijoa-dourada
United Kingdom Lucine clam
Fishing arts

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