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Home / Catálogo de especies / Leafscale gulper shark

Leafscale gulper shark

Order Squaliformes
Family Squalidae

Marine fish with cartilaginous skeleton. The leafscraper shark is a moderately large deep water dogfish reaching up to 160 cm in length. It has a uniform drab-gray dorsal colouring and a slightly paler ventral colouring. It has a moderately long and broad snout and large reflective eyes. The leafscraper shark does not have an anal fin and has two dorsal fins. The first dorsal fin is quite short and the second is relatively high when compared to similar species. Both have prominent spines. Lateral tooth-like projections are present on the body. Posterior tips of the pectoral fins are broadly angular but not strongly extended.

FAO code
Centrophorus squamosus
Blue fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 27: the Northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 34: the Eastern Central part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 47: the Southeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 51: the Western part of the Indian Ocean
  • Area 57: the Eastern part of the Indian Ocean
  • Area 61: the Northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 71: the Western Central part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 81: the Southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
  • Area 87: the Southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean
Fishing seasons
jan feb apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
Germany Düsterer Dornhai
France Squale-chagrin de l’Atlantique
Italy Sagrì
Portugal Lixa de escama
United Kingdom Leafscale gulper shark
Japan Momijizame
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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