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Jonah crab

Order Decapoda
Family Cancridae

Marine decapod crustacean. Crab with carapace approximately 2/3 as long as wide, surface coarsely granulate; front with 3 teeth, middle one exceeding others and depressed (flattened dorsoventrally); anterolateral margins divided into 9 quadrangular lobes or teeth with margins minutely denticulate. Pincers stout, nearly as long as second legs, carpus and hand with strong granulose rugae, upper margin of pincers denticulate. Color: red dorsally, yellow ventrally; back with 2 curved lines of yellowish spots and, behind middle, a figure somewhat resembling letter H; legs mottled and reticulated with yellow and red, more or less purplish. Maximum width of carapace for males is 175 mm, females 137 mm.

FAO code
Cancer borealis
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 21: the Northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 31: the Western part of the Atlantic Ocean
Fishing seasons
feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct
International denominations
Germany Jonahkrabbe
France Tourteau-jona
Italy Granciporro atlantico rosso
Portugal Sapateira boreal
United Kingdom Jonah crab
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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