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Japanese amberjack

Order Perciformes
Family Carangidae

Its body is fusiform and elongated, with a well-developed head housing a moderately-sized terminal mouth. The eyes are large and situated on the top of the head, providing a wide field of vision of its surroundings. It has a long dorsal fin and an anal fin of similar length, both supported by robust spines. The pectoral fins are moderately long and triangular, while the caudal fin is broad and bifurcated, providing excellent maneuverability and speed. The skin is covered with small, smooth scales, and lacks bony plates. Compared to S. lalandi, the dorsoposterior corner of the upper jaw is angular rather than rounded, and the pectoral and pelvic fins are almost equal in length, as opposed to the pectoral being shorter than the pelvic fin in S. lalandi. This species displays a silvery to golden coloration, with dark bands or mottling providing camouflage in its marine environment. Adult specimens can reach significant sizes, with lengths exceeding 100 centimeters in some cases, depending on age and environmental conditions.

FAO code
Seriola quinqueradiata
Blue fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Área 1:Africa - Inland waters.
  • Area 4: Asia - Inland waters
  • Área 5:Europe - Inland waters
  • Área 61: Pacific
  • Área 67: Pacific
  • Northeast.
  • Northwest.
Fishing seasons
jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
Germany Japanische Bernsteinmakrele
France Sériole du Japon
Italy Ricciola del Pacifico
Portugal Charuteiro
United Kingdom Japanese amberjack
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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