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Deepwater redfish

Order Scorpaeniformes
Family Scorpaenidae

Marine fish with regularly ossified skeleton. Body elongated and compressed. Mouth wide. Head with several spines. Scales on lateral line. Dorsal fin has numerous strong spines and soft rays. Anal fin with a few spines and several soft rays; pectoral fin with soft rays. Colour bright red. Maximum total length: 55 cm. In general, the redfish species inhabit different depth strata, Sebastes mentella is a benthic and bathypelagic species, mostly offshore, not rare above the great ocean depths; found between 300 and 1000 m. Sebastes marinus lives in bays and inshore waters when they are young; the adults are found off the coast at 100 to 400 m, less commonly down to 500 m.

FAO code
Sebastes mentella
Blue fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 18: the Arctic Ocean
  • Area 21: the Northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 27: the Northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean
Fishing seasons
jan feb apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
International denominations
Germany Tiefenbarsch
France Sébaste du nord
Italy Sebaste
Portugal Peixe-vermelho da fundura
United Kingdom Deepwater redfish
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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