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Home / Catálogo de especies / Chilean jack mackerel

Chilean jack mackerel

Order Carangiformes
Family Carangidae

It has an elongated and slightly compressed body, with small teeth arranged in a single row. The lower branch of the first gill arch has 42 to 45 gill rakers. The edge of the shoulder girdle (cleithrum) has a small groove at its upper end, but lacks papillae. The lateral line is completely covered with scales, which become large scutes towards the rear of the body. The scutes in the area of the median curve measure 1.1 to 1.6 times the diameter of the eye. The nape and back are metallic blue or dark gray, while the flanks and belly are pale. The dorsal edge of the operculum has a black stain. The body is elongated and slightly compressed, with a dark blue dorsal color and a white-silvery ventral color. A black spot is observed on the upper posterior margin of the opercle. The fins are dusky, with the pectoral fin being falcate and very long.

FAO code
Trachurus murphyi
Blue fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Área 41: Atlantic
  • Área 81:Pacific
  • Área 87: Pacific
  • Southeast
  • Southwest.
International denominations
France Chinchard
Italy Sugarello australe
Portugal Carapau-chileno
United Kingdom Chilean jack mackerel
Fishing areas
Fishing arts
Purse seines

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