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Home / Catálogo de especies / Argentine shortfin squid

Argentine shortfin squid

Order Cephalopoda
Family Loliginidae

Marine cephalopod mollusc with mantle long, muscular, widest at midpoint. Fins muscular, relatively short (length 42% of mantle length) and broad (width 57% of mantle length); fin angle broad, 45 to 55 (90 to 110° both fins), rhomboidal fins. Arms very long for the genus, averaging up to 72% of mantle length for arms close to tentacle in males; all arms of males significantly longer than in females; right (or left) arm IV hectocotylized along more than 50% of its length with suckers modified into narrow lamellae to the tip. Maximum mantle length 33 cm.

FAO code
Illex argentinus
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 41: the Southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean
  • Area 58: the Antarctic and Southern parts of the Indian Ocean
  • Area 87: the Southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean
Fishing seasons
feb apr may jun jul aug
International denominations
Germany Argentinischer Kurzflossenkalmar
France Encornet rouge argentin
Italy Totano
Portugal Pota argentina
United Kingdom Argentine shortfin squid
Japan Ika
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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