Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy

Fishery Officer (Markets) and GLOBEFISH Coordinator

Shirlene is Fishery Officer (Markets) with the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFIMT) of FAO in Rome. She supports areas related to fisheries and aquaculture market analysis throughout NFI and other FAO areas and she is also the coordinator of the GLOBEFISH project in NFIMT. Among these responsibilities are the supervision of the GLOBEFISH Highlights, the European Price Report, and the Chinese Price Report, as well as the coordination of publication of market information and analysis on the GLOBEFISH website.

Shirlene has over 20 years of experience monitoring and reviewing the Asia-Pacific fisheries industry on markets and trade, conducting consultancies for private companies and national bodies, publishing articles, training and facilitation on trade promotion, marketing, and database management, and coordinating national and international workshops and conferences.

Prior to joining FAO, she was Director of INFOFISH from December 2018 to September 2023 after serving as Interim Director since May 2016. Before that, she was Trade Promotion Officer for sixteen years with INFOFISH.

Shirlene holds a Master’s in Food Biochemistry and a Bachelor’s in Biochemistry and Microbiology from University of Putra Malaysia.