
Miguel López Crespo

President of the Spanish Confederation of Consumers, ConsumES, and Secretary General of the Consumers Union of Galicia.

Miguel López Crespo, an expert in consumer law from the University of Santiago de Compostela and postgraduate from the University of Valencia, has been working for more than 25 years defending the rights and interests of consumers and users. Head of the consumer defence service of UCGAL and consumer arbitrator since 1998, he became secretary general of the Galician Consumers’ Union in 2005 and vice-president of the Galician Council of Consumers and Users in 2010. He represents Galician consumers and users in many consultative bodies and entities in Galicia (CES, transport, statistics, housing, tourism and trade) from which he exercises the right of participation and consultation in the process of drafting regulations.

Regular contributor to radio, television and press, awarded by the Xunta de Galicia with the Premio Divulgación Consumo (2016). Promoter of multiple informative events and the Benfeito de Consumo awards.

In 2023, he promoted the constitution of ConsumES, a national consumer organisation, of which he holds the presidency.

He combines his activity with legal labour consultancy in the private sector, as well as with the defence of people with intellectual disabilities, holding since 2021 the secretariat of FADEMGA Plena Inclusión Galicia.