javier garat conxemar

Javier Garat

Vice President of ICFA and Secretary General of CEPESCA.

Javier Garat was born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) on 27 January 1971 and holds a degree in Law and a diploma in Community Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (C.E.U. San Pablo) and a Master’s degree in International and European Law from the Catholic University of Louvain (U.C.L. Belgium).

In the fishing sector, Garat is Secretary General of the Spanish Fishing Confederation (CEPESCA), President of the Association of Spanish Fishing Producers’ Organisations, President of the Association of National Organisations of Fishing Companies in the EU (Europêche), and Vice-President of the International Coalition of Fishing Associations (ICFA). He is also a member of the European Economic and Social Committee.

Javier Garat has a long career linked to fisheries, having worked in Brussels in 1996-97 in the fisheries team of the Legal Service of the European Commission and as assistant to the Fisheries Adviser of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union.