Seafood analyst at the Norwegian Seafood Council.

Eivind Hestvik Brækkan

Seafood analyst at the Norwegian Seafood Council.

Eivind Hestvik Brækkan is a seafood analyst at the Norwegian Seafood Council. He is an economist with a PhD in Market Analysis from UiT – the Arctic University of Norway. He has worked as an associate professor in Aquaculture Economics at the UiT, and as an analyst in the private sector, before joining the Norwegian Seafood Council in 2020. He has published several academic articles on demand, supply and price analysis on seafood.

In his current position, Brækkan analyzes trade flows, the impacts of trade barriers and trade restrictions on the global seafood trade, changes in exchange rates and other factors impacting the supply, demand, consumption and global trade flows of seafood. He presents his analyses and outlook regularly at various conferences and seminars, both for the Norwegian seafood industry and international audiences.