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Brazilian codling

Order Gadiformes
Family Gadidae

Marine fish with regularly ossified skeleton. Body elongated, robust, thicker forward, ends in a thin caudal peduncle. Small head. Small eyes too. Small teeth in jaws and vomer. Short barb in the midline of the lower jaw. Two dorsal fins; the first one is of triangular form, very long and of small base; the second dorsal is of broad base and uniform height. Round caudal fin. Anal fin similar to the second dorsal, but lower and lower base. Coloration: reddish brown back, rinsing on the flanks, white belly with golden highlights. It measures up to 40 cm.

FAO code
Urophycis brasiliensis
White fish
FAO Fishing Areas
  • Area 41: the Southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean
International denominations
France Phycis brésilien
Portugal Abrótea
United Kingdom Brazilian codling
Fishing areas
Fishing arts

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